Products / Coval - Vacuum managers

Bank of 2 MPXS Controlled Communicating Micro Vacuum Pump
ref. : MPXS90X07SC16PR2F3EB2DX
Assembled bank of 2 x MPXS Controlled Communicating Micro Vacuum Pump with "ASC" (Air Saving Control), 85% max.vacuum, 0.7 mm nozzle ID, vacuum check valve, powerful adjustable blow-off, vacuum controlled and controlled blow-off 24V DC NC, 1 M8-6 pin connector, SIO/IO-Link. Vacuum: Push-in connector 4x6 mm. Island endplates set Dual version, push-in connectors: 2 x common pressure 8X10 mm, 2 x common exhaust 10X12 mm
type of product (typp) venturi
Nozzle diameter (Ø) 0.7mm
Air drawn in (aa) 15Nl/min
Generator Control (PG) NC/NC
models (mod) BANK DOUBLE END SET
Blow-off (S-SP) Adjustable powerful
for islands mounting (Ilot) 2 modules
Maximum vacuum (mv%) 85%
Connection (Cx) 1 x M8-6 pin
Air consumed (ca) 22Nl/min
(1) Out of valve response time.
(2) Example of a 5 cl volume: 4 suction cups 1.5 bellows Ø 25 (VSA25) + 4 airlines 4x6 mm lg 600 mm + 1 airline 4x6 mm lg 500 mm.
Pneumatic diagram
P: Pressure / Compressed Air
V: Vacuum / Suction Cup
E: Exhaust
Electrical connections
3D Model

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