Compact, high flow vacuum pumps
LEM+ and LEMAX+ meet the « high capacity flow rates » needs of installations. They complement the LEM and LEMAX series used for average flow rates.
They are each used for different applications:
. LEM+ is designed to grip any of the following products : porous, airtight or those with a rough surface.
. LEMAX+ this series has been specifically designed to grip airtight or semi-airtight products.
. Easy implementation: Plug&Play, multiple choices, every type of application
. Maximum automatic energy savings:
• Air Saving Regulator (LEM+): 40% savings for porous products
• Air Saving Control (LEMAX+): 90% savings for airtight products
. Compactness: LEM+ / LEMAX+ vacuum pumps are the most compact on the market
. Short response times: Possible installation very close to vacuum pads
. Automatic blow-off: suppression of control signal thanks to the automatic blow-off function (blow-off time configurable from 0 to 10s)
. Dust resistant: Non clogging through-type silencer
. Safety: Product gripping is maintained even during power failure
The LEM+ / LEMAX+ compact modules integrate all the functions of « industrial vacuum » including simple and efficient implementation, compressed air savings and are adaptable to every application.
Integrated functions:
• 3.5 bar pressure regulator
• « Vacuum » solenoid valve
• 3.5 bar optimised venturi
• Optimized silencer
• Electronic vacuum sensor
• Integrated electronics
• « Blow-off » solenoid valve
• Blow-off flow rate regulator
• Powerful blow-off valve
• Vacuum non-return valve
• Simplified & Protected Installation and Operation.
The front communication face panel allows access and programming of all operations. This front face panel can be locked to prevent an inadvertent maladjustment. Built-in intelligence, as well as the factory settings configured for standard cases of use, optimise the implementation, operation, monitoring and maintenance.
• Clear & Complete Communication at Each Stage
Due to the high visibility display of the LEM+ / LEMAX+ modules, all useful information can be seen at a single glance. The actual vacuum level is shown with direct reading (selection of different display units), and with « bar graph ». Configuration help messages are also provided.
• LEM+ products range
• LEMAX+ products range
• Calculate your energy saving with LEMAX+